Infinite has its implications

Like the concept of consciousness, infinity is a concept I imagine took millenia to grapple with in its total abstractness, in order to be finally able to nail down its domain. Still and alike, I believe we're far from understanding these concepts, and it shows a mis-equiptment of material science to cope with these concepts.

As I write these lines at a emergent sunrise in coastal Australia (see below), I realise that in no way could I ever expect to enjoy this unique convergence of fog scoped to my left, and a peaking sun to my right, all while the crashing waves of erosion battle for terriroty below me.

Yet still, if I was able to somehow conjure all the components of this scene into the same arrangement, to cast superficial order for my own doubly pleasure, still my conscious state would be differing from the first moment. Truly, that order would have to both be extrinsic, and have some power to instrincically wipe away the moments of history and state between these relative events.

One could argue, comfortably, that with this scenario in question, we have one miniscule realised instance of an infinite spectrum of reality. 

But, for that to be true, one would have to believe in a start, middle, and ending. And infinite has no beginning, or end, just eternal middle-ness, and repetition.

(An semi-unrelated question: if one instance of infinite exists, say, infinite love, does that deem all else as potentially, or definitely infinite? I have no idea.)

On one side, imagine the spectrum of time is indeed invoked as a means to create the relative idea of a beginning, middle, and end. This, I believe, is a hyper-functional concept which organizes the means to project into the future, with a commonly unifying concept of time that we can organize ourselves around. This Platonized idea has its hooks everywhere for us: predictability, law, contracts, money, spending, creation and innovation, engineering, decay, at the core, we can organize things into their beginnings, middles, and ends. One enjoys the ride, more than the destination.

Contrary, remove the rigid structure of a start, middle, and end. Imagine time itself arose out of a source of infinity. If time, itself, were infinite, the scene I described above (the photo) indeed could occur multiple times, without my will. Indeed, due to the nature of infinite, it would occur an infinite amount of times. My experiences, shall repeat ever-so.

Taking it to its limit, anyones relative experience moment-to-moment branches into a further tree of infinite experiences, of which they branch into the infinite, and so-on and so-forth. Even further, your current experience itself involves all prior experiences, and all future experiences, yet a moment has been captured.

This idea is almost impossible to fathom, even further impossible to act on, unless it itself grapples with you into a life-affirming, personalized, belief-renouncing or belief-affirming spirit of transformation.

Here I acknowledge Nietzsche as his ideas have formed some of these thought experiments, clearly. The Eternal Recurrence (concept), and Thus Spoke Zarathustra (human acting on this idea) are resources I've read and studied that give light to the psycholgical infinite. Again, my aim is unsure, besides my infusing nature to find common-ground between one and all else. If I triggered some thought in your mind here, then this paragraph will be ignored. Otherwise, it will be greatly relieving.

I'll come back to whatever this is, but for now I shall leave my humble table, forget this "helpfully unhelpful" idea, and consume food like the good little biological entity I am.

Cheers Nisha.

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